Saturday, September 7, 2013

It's Alive, It's Alive!

September 4/13

It runs like a top! I knew I was close to getting it going, because I had spark. So today I swapped in the new looking aftermarket fuel pump from the grey Rover. It did not go quite smoothly. Once I had it installed,  there was still no gas coming through. I tried blowing out all the fuel lines, syphoning fuel into the lines, etc, etc. In the process I broke the new pump by pulling out a non-solderable wire! So I had to but another new pump from Kenmac. During the process, Pat noticed fuel leaking from up in the right rear wheel well. It turned out to be a rotten fuel line, but it was quite easy to splice in a section of new rubber line at that point.

Finally, I decided to dump in another 20 litres of gas... that was the problem! I still don't understand why the 15 litres I had added earlier was not enough to get the fuel moving.
So, hit the ignition and starter, and VROOM! It started, and purred like a pussycat!
I moved it around the driveway a bit to check out the brakes, clutch, transmission and things.
It runs very smoothly, and the brakes and steering work very nicely.... showed me just how bad the steering and brakes were on the grey Rover!

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