Sunday, February 2, 2014

A Tip of the Bonnet

I painted the inside of the trunk this morning. I am still concerned about low temperatures for the painting, but with the trunk, I was able to focus an electric heater into it. It seems to be setting up alright.
I decided I had to find a project that was not temperature dependent, so decided to remove the hood (bonnet) and begin a proper cleanup of the engine bay. The fact that the hood is aluminum made the job fairly light and easy.
I was then able to do some scraping and brushing of rust and corrosion, and begin an assessment of some mechanical tasks. For example, I discovered that the brake fluid reservoir lid was seized on. I eventually had to pry it off, and will replace it with the one from the parts car.
Next "car day" I will continue to explore the engine bay, removing the air cleaner to get at the carburettor, and othe cleaning tasks.

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